Welcome to Fribourg!

Modern yet medieval, unassuming yet vibrant, urban yet
surrounded by nature, bustling yet personable: Fribourg is
full of contrasts. It is precisely these differences which give
the city its unique identity and strength. Indeed, Fribourg
has mastered the art of having the best of both worlds.
For proof, you need look no further than the majestic bridges
that span the Sarine, a river that separates Fribourg’s two
linguistic cultures yet unites the region

Ocenjevanje 4,0
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Pišite na Fribourg / Freiburg

Fribourg Tourisme et Région
Place Jean-Tinguely 1 Case postale 1120, CH-1701 Fribourg

+41 26 3501111
+41 26 3501112
Domača stran

Zahtevek und Naročilo brošure